We all want to care for dogs the best way we can. After all they are the closest domesticated animal to humans. They become part of our family and let’s face it, we spend guilty amounts of money on furry friends and spoil them too much. But dogs return every bit of love we dish out so we’re excused for the indulgence. Whatever the case, dogs deserve to be happy and healthy like us. Feeding hemp to dogs can help with both happiness and good health.
But Hemp is not meat!
Dogs are carnivores, right? So why feed a dog stuff from a plant? The answer is protein, antioxidants, omegas, vitamins and minerals. The list of health benefits that come with hemp foods is long. No wonder it’s called a superfood, and it’s also known as one of nature’s most complete foods. The bonus ingredient in hemp, not found in meat is Gamma Linolenic Acids (GLA’s). GLA’s are natural anti-inflammatories, good for joints and muscles, and wonderful for old dogs with arthritis. A truly balanced diet for your dog should always contain seeds from plants to fully compliment its dietary needs.
Hemp Oil for dogs.
The easy way to feed hemp is to drizzle hemp seed oil on your dog’s daily meals. The usual amount varies from 5mL per day for small dogs to 15mL for larger canines. Hemp seed oil is a more sustainable and healthy alternative to fish oil and has no adverse side-effects. It’s a truly sustainable crop so you’ll get a warm fuzzy feeling when you use hemp. Hemp seed oil is cold-pressed and not de-natured by heat. It’s got a longer shelf life up to 2 years and isn’t susceptible to bacterial contamination, so it’s safe to use.
Because dogs cannot synthesize linoleic acid, a dietary source is important to maintain a healthy skin and coat. Hemp seed oil abounds with linolenic acids, so dogs get what they need with a simple drizzle on their brekky every day. The right balance of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids is hugely important for good health. The good news is hemp contains a 3:1 ratio of omegas 6 and 3 which is considered ideal for a healthy diet – humans or canines. The only thing hemp oil does not contain is protein, but don’t worry, all good dog food brands usually contain enough protein anyway.
Hemp and a Healthy Dog.
Supplementing your pooch’s daily diet with cold pressed hemp oil makes good healthy sense. Dog owners will typically see a shiny coat a week or two after feeding hemp oil to their pet. Skin allergies reduce (these are usually associated with inflammation) and your dog’s resistance to fleas will most likely improve. The GLA’s in hemp are especially beneficial for soothing joint pain and arthritis. In fact we go further to say hemp will make a remarkable difference to dogs with arthritis.
Hemp is good for (here we go…) weight management, immunity, gut health, brain and cognitive function. It is known to prevent cancer, cardiovascular disease , arthritis, premature ageing, diabetes and allergies. If you’re not convinced about hemp for dogs, read what others have written but most of all, try it yourself.
Healthy Hemp Treats.
Dogs love eating hemp because of its smooth nutty taste. In fact most dogs will eat raw hemp products without meat flavours, but fussy foodie dogs need to eat hemp too, right? Whatever your dog likes you can get some hemp in their diet somehow. Hulled hemp seed is good, but pure cold pressed hemp seed oil is the easiest and pack the biggest health punch for your dog.
Hemp treats made from 85% hemp ingredients are a delicious health tablet for pooches, with a crunch good for cleaning their teeth and gums. Healthy hemp treats develop tail wagging muscles – another box ticked off the list of your dog’s happiness and good health.