A Hemp Oil Capsule a Day…

Hemp oil capsules are an excellent plant-based alternative to fish oil. They contain the goodness of omegas 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids, and an easy way to get a shot of healthy goodness at the start of every day.

It Starts in our Paddocks.

The hemp oil in Good Country Hemp capsules comes entirely from hemp seed. Our hemp is grown in the Limestone Coast region, close to our cold pressing plant. Seed is harvested, dried, cleaned and crushed to squeeze out the oil. No chemical extraction used. Our cold pressing method is the old traditional way, as natural as you can get.

Our business revolves around sustainability. We know that hemp is one of the best carbon sequestration plants there is, so the more we grow, the more carbon we can lock into the soil. More soil carbon means better plant growth through nutrient availability, so it becomes a continuous cycle of self-improvement. Hemp, in many ways, contributes towards good health for our bodies, farm land, the air and our well-being.

The Goodness of Hemp Oil.

Hemp oil capsules are an outstanding source of Omegas essential for critical life processes happening in our bodies. Hemp’s most notable asset is Gamma Linolenic Acids. A handful of plant foods are known to contain these compounds (pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds) but hemp has GLA’s in good quantities. GLA’s are known for their anti-inflammation effects so they’re good for healthy skin, joints and muscles. Hemp oil is a good source of antioxidants which clean up free radicals in your cells. This helps reduce the incidence heart disease, arthritis, stroke and cancer. Also essential for good health are niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, vitamin B-6 and folate – all found in hemp foods!

We understand that taking a spoonful of hemp oil every morning is not for everyone. We’re not going back to the days of cod liver oil! Hemp oil tastes quite a bit better, but the convenience of capsules is fantastic. We recommend 3 caps per day for adults, and simply take all three at once in the morning. We find people suffering from arthritis have amazing relief after starting, then reduce their daily dose to one or two per day ongoing.

Positive Feedback.

The positive feedback from customers is incredible. We’ll keep shouting about hemp to everyone, and each new person who discovers hemp is a winner for themselves and us.