Immunity is important not only in the age of Covid, but anytime. A strong immune response is a sign of good health and wellbeing. If you have a balanced and stress-free life you’re less likely to become infected with whatever’s around. Maintaining a well-balanced life is sometimes a challenge but it’s one worth striving for.
Many things affect our immunity but the two key factors are stress and diet. You guessed right – I’m going to talk about diet and why hemp should be part of it every day. The truth about stress and how it destroys the body’s immune response has filled many books.
Why Hemp Helps your Immune System
The standout good feature of hemp foods are the Omegas (essential fatty acids), and how hemp has the right balance of omegas 3, 6 and 9 for your health. Hemp seeds contain high levels of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids. Studies have shown that the ideal ratio for humans of omegas 6 and 3 is 3 to 1, and that’s where hemp foods are at! How good is that! Omega 3’s are well known for reducing cholesterol and preventing heart disease, but the greatest benefit the essential fatty acids bring is a strong and healthy immune system.
Vitamin D from Hemp.
Vitamin D is known as the sunlight vitamin and plays a crucial role in your body’s immune system. Laboratory studies show that vitamin D can reduce cancer cell growth, help control infections and reduce inflammation. Many people rely on supplements to boost their intake of Vitamin D, especially during winter when sunlight is low and immunity to colds and ‘flu becomes important. Most vitamin D is derived from fish and dairy, and rarely from plants. But hemp is definitely a good source of vitamin D. Taking hemp oil capsules daily can help to maintain a healthy level of vitamin D and prevent a deficiency which compromises your immune system. Be aware that consuming vitamin D rich foods won’t give you the recommended daily intake your body normally needs, so spend some time outside. Your doctor can measure your vitamin D levels through a simple blood test.