Mini Christmas Puddings

(Makes approx.. 20 muffin size puddings)


½ cup hulled hemp seed

½ cup ground almonds

½ cup chopped walnuts

375g mixed dried fruit

1 cup assorted glazed fruit

½ cup chopped desert figs

2/3 cup brown sugar

1 1/2 cups fresh wholemeal breadcrumbs

1 tspn mixed spice

1 tspn ground ginger

2/3 cup plain flour

¼ tspn bicarb soda

4 eggs

200g butter, melted

1/3 cup cointreau or brandy


Grease 24-hole muffin tray

Place first 12 ingredients in large bowl.

Make a well in the centre, add eggs, butter, liquor and stir until combined.

Spoon into tray. Steam cook by covering puddings with alfoil and sit muffin tray in a tray of water.

Bake in a preheated 160oC oven for 35-45 minutes.

Test centre with skewer.

Serve hot with icing sugar and custard, or cool completely and wrap in muslin or calico.