Good Country Hemp have won the Emerging Business category of the 2021 SA Premiers Food and Beverage Industry Awards. Held at the Adelaide Convention Centre last Friday night, the Awards gala dinner was attended by the Premier Steven Marshall, the South Australian Governor Frances Adamson, other state ministers and 940 South Australian food industry identities.
The award was presented to Linda and Mick Andersen by Stephen Patterson MP, the South Australian Minister for Trade and Investment.
The annual event is organized by Food SA, and it did not disappoint anyone who attended. The 5 course meal showcased the best South Australian food produce available, including bottles of famous SA red and white wines.
The sound and light show projected onto the huge screen behind the main stage was spectacular. Video stories of the award finalists were shown prior to the presentations of the various categories, making the event truly inspirational. There are some fantastic food businesses in South Australia.
Emerging Business
As winners of the Emerging Business category, we can look back and say that we’ve emerged quite a lot lately. From our beginnings from scratch 3 years ago, knowing basically nothing about hemp, we have become a paddock-to-plate supplier of hemp foods and retail our products into supermarkets, health food stores and bulk food stores, as well as supplying bulk hemp food ingredients to food manufacturers. We’re knocking on the door of some export markets, and started another enterprise Hemp Boost to turn our pure hemp by-products into feed supplements for horses, cats, dogs and chooks. We don’t waste anything.
Also on our agenda is to find uses and markets for the valuable hemp stubble that’s left standing in the paddock after the harvest is finished. The hemp fibre won’t be going into high quality garments just yet, but it makes fantastic garden mulch and horse bedding to begin with, then later perhaps wood composites, household insulation, packaging materials and hempcrete for house construction. The possibilities go on and on.
We thank all of you for your ongoing support as we continue to grow and supply pure South Australian grown and processed hemp foods for everyone to enjoy.